Understanding the meeting in the home.
1 - The workers and their friends first had meeting in the home about 1905. This is approximatly 7-8 years after their origination (an offshoot from the Faith Mission). Supposedly many members did not want to give up homes and possessions and so the home meetings were instituted. The form of the meetings seem to be based on a combination of drawings from the Faith Mission, the New Testament, and maybe other sources.
2 - We do not know specifically why during the New Testament times the believers met in homes. We do know about a certain sharing of hymns, psalms , prayers and such. We know of a speaking one at a time, but not necessarily only once. We do know about the agape or love feast shared in a home - a comon meal among the believers. We do not know how often that was - daily, weekly, anuually.
3 - As for breaking of bread, the believers did that many times - even everyday. The meaning of "breaking bread" best seems to be "have a meal" and not "partake fo the emblems".
4 - There is no teaching from Jesus or any other in the Bible that gathering in the home and taking of emblems is connected to the "Passover" first kept (but not for all times) in a home.
5 - The breaking of the bread and the poured wine best seems to resemble the sacrifice of the broken body/flesh of Jesus and his shed blood.
6 - There seems to be no instruction on remembering or celebrating the ressurection of Jesus.