In the first group there are things such as hair, tv, movies, jeans, football, and so forth…
In the other group there are things as belief the workers are God’s only true servants, meeting in the homes is the only true way to worship God, all other churches/preachers are false, if someone is truly seeking God will lead them to the 2x2 fellowship, and so forth…
One group IS changing just as it as always changed over the years… Just as radios were taboo 50+ years ago, TVs were taboo 10+ years ago, and so forth…
However, the other grouping is not changing… I have even emailed random people to ask them their beliefs in search for unbiased answers, and 90+% of them uphold the exclusive and sometimes legalistic beliefs that I left the fellowship over… I have been told time and time again that the fellowship is the only true way and to reject it is a rejection of God.
If you doubt that what I say is true then fine… But prove it to yourself by asking professing people very specific questions regarding these subjects. Such as…
1. Do you believe it’s possible for someone to be doing the will of God, serving God to their fullest, and be approved by God if they once professed, but quit the meetings and now attend a different Christian church?
2. Are there any preachers or pastors in the world, outside of the workers ministry, who are preaching and upholding the true Gospel of Jesus Christ?
3. Do you believe someone can continue to serve God to their fullest and truly worship him as you and I do if they come into contact with the workers, but decline to be a part of the fellowship or reject the 2x2 ministry for whatever reason?
4. If someone is truly seeking God with an honest and open heart, is it possible they will be lead to anywhere else besides the 2x2 fellowship?